Best Dog Trainer in Castle Rock From Chaos to Calm - Misfits Dog Training

Best Dog Trainer in Castle Rock From Chaos to Calm - Misfits Dog Training

Castle Rock, CO – Misfits Dog Training, owned by the dedicated and passionate John Lightfoot, is rapidly gaining a reputation among dog owners as the go-to solution for addressing the most challenging canine behaviors. From incessant barking and jumping to severe aggression, Misfits Dog Training, the premiere Dog Trainer in Castle Rock promises real-world results for real dog owners. "It's never too late to help your furry friend become more tolerant," says Lightfoot.

A Little Bit About Misfits Dog Training

At Misfits Dog Training, there is no such thing as an "un-trainable" dog. Their mission is clear: train for real circumstances, real dog owners, and real life. This philosophy is evident in their comprehensive approach to addressing problem behaviors and creating tailored training programs that meet the unique needs of each dog and their owner. John Lightfoot, the visionary behind Misfits, has ensured that the facility embodies his belief that every dog deserves a unique program specifically targeting their owner’s goals at a pace appropriate for each dog.

Tackling Problem Behaviors

Misfits Dog Training takes pride in its ability to modify even the most stubborn behaviors. The facility addresses a wide range of behavioral issues, providing a lifeline to dog owners who may have tried other training methods without success.

Some of the common problems they address include:

  • Jumping on people: Misfits teaches dogs to greet people politely without jumping.
  • Barking at guests or windows: Trainers work on desensitizing dogs to triggers that cause excessive barking.
  • Fence fighting: Misfits employs techniques to reduce aggression towards other dogs or people on the other side of the fence.
  • Potty training: Ensuring puppies and adult dogs learn proper elimination habits.
  • Crate training: Helping dogs see their crate as a safe and comfortable space.
  • Pulling on leash: Teaching dogs to walk calmly on a leash without pulling.
  • Separation anxiety: Techniques to help dogs cope with being left alone.
  • Aggression towards people or other animals: Addressing the root causes of aggression and modifying behavior.

John Lightfoot emphasizes that these are just a few of the behaviors Misfits can address. "Every dog is different, and our programs are designed to be flexible and adaptable to each dog's unique needs," he says.

Customized Training Programs

One of the standout features of Misfits Dog Training is its commitment to creating customized training programs. The facility offers a variety of programs, each designed to suit the specific needs and goals of the dog and owner. These include:

Private In-Home Training

This option is ideal for owners who prefer to be actively involved in their dog’s training and have time to work with their dog every day. All programs are tailored to the owner’s highest priorities. Prices range from $250 to $800, depending on the dog's needs and the owner's training goals. In-home training allows for personalized attention and a focus on real-life situations that the dog and owner encounter daily.

Puppy Training Packages

Misfits offers several packages designed specifically for puppies. These programs cover essential areas such as potty training, proper socialization, nipping/biting, crate training, house manners, loose leash walking, and engagement. Early training sets a strong foundation for a well-behaved adult dog. John Lightfoot believes in the importance of starting training early, stating, "The sooner we can start working with a puppy, the better. It helps prevent many common behavior problems from developing."

Beginner to Advanced Obedience Packages

For older dogs, Misfits provides beginner and advanced obedience packages, offering 2-7 lessons tailored to the dog’s progress. Beginner obedience covers basic commands and manners, while advanced off-leash obedience focuses on ensuring dogs respond reliably without a leash. These packages are designed to build on each other, allowing dogs to progress at their own pace.

Reactivity and Aggression Rehabilitation

Misfits understands that some dogs require more intensive training due to reactivity or aggression issues. They offer customized packages to address these severe behavioral problems. John Lightfoot explains, "Aggression and reactivity can be challenging, but with the right approach, we can help dogs overcome these issues and live happier, more relaxed lives."

Board & Train Programs

For those who seek a more intensive approach, the Board & Train programs offer dogs the chance to live and learn on Misfits’ 35-acre farm. Prices range from $1,800 to $3,500, depending on the length and complexity of the program. These programs include post-program in-home lessons and a year of free support.

Board & Train programs are ideal for owners who feel stuck in their training journey or do not have the dedicated time to train their dog. During their stay, dogs receive consistent training and care from the experienced staff at Misfits. The farm environment allows for unique learning opportunities, such as socialization with other dogs and exposure to various stimuli.

Raise & Train Programs

Perfect for new puppy owners, these programs provide immersive training experiences, ensuring puppies learn essential skills and proper socialization. Options range from a one-month basic training program to a four-month intensive program.

The Raise & Train program is particularly beneficial for owners who may be unsure how to properly socialize their puppy or who want to avoid developing problem behaviors in the future. Misfits takes care of all the puppy problems, allowing owners to enjoy a well-behaved and well-adjusted companion.


Misfits Dog Training also offers additional services, such as the Hike & Train program. This service is available for off-leash trained dogs only and provides exercise, enrichment, and valuable training opportunities. John Lightfoot notes, "Hiking is a great way for dogs to get physical exercise and mental stimulation. It's also an excellent opportunity to reinforce training in a real-world environment."

A Commitment to Ongoing Support

One of the key aspects that set Misfits Dog Training apart is its commitment to ongoing support for dog owners. All Board & Train programs include 1-3 in-home lessons after program completion, as well as a year of free support. This ensures that owners have the guidance they need to maintain their dog’s training progress.

John Lightfoot emphasizes the importance of this support, saying, "Training doesn’t end when the program does. We want to make sure that our clients feel confident and supported as they continue working with their dogs at home."

Why Choose Misfits Dog Training?

With its comprehensive range of programs, experienced trainers, and commitment to customized solutions, Misfits Dog Training is a standout choice for dog owners in Castle Rock and beyond. The facility’s philosophy of training for real circumstances, real dog owners, and real life resonates with many who have struggled to find effective training solutions elsewhere.

John Lightfoot and his team at Misfits Dog Training are dedicated to helping every dog become a well-behaved and obedient companion. Whether it’s addressing severe behavioral issues, teaching basic obedience, or providing immersive puppy training, Misfits has a solution for every dog and owner.

For more information or to schedule a training session, visit Misfits Dog Training’s website today. "It's never too late to help your furry friend become more tolerant," Lightfoot reminds us.

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